This is one of the most commonly asked questions we get but it really varies!
The duration of orthodontic treatment can range from as little as 4-6 months to as long as 2 1/2 years or so, but most people will wear their braces for about one to two years on average. The specific time depends on the complexity of the correction needed, the type of orthodontic appliances used, and individual patient factors such as age and oral health. For instance, minor things like closing a small gap, may take less time compared to more complex bite correction like an overbite or underbite.ย
At Happier Smiles Orthodontics, we are thrilled to offer so many different treatment options from custom 3d Printed braces, to innovative clear aligners.ย
More importantly, patient compliance is crucial!! Following the orthodontist’s guidance on care and maintenance, keeping regular appointment schedules, and wearing any appliances or elastics as directed can significantly impact the speed and success of the treatment. : )
Compliance is key and can make your treatment go faster.ย
At your complimentary consultation we will discuss what treatment option may be “fastest” and most efficient for you!