Happier Smiles Orthodontics awards a first place $1000.00 scholarship each year to a graduating senior, who is a current or former patient of Happier Smiles Orthodontics (formerly Baker Orthodontics). Our practice also awards a second place $500 scholarship. Dr. Baker, Dr. Cyrus, and their team will present the scholarship winner a check for their continuing education.
✔️ Must be a student in grade 12 for the current school year
✔️ Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.2 or better
✔️ Current or Former Patient of Happier Smiles or Baker Orthodontics
Application Deadline is May 1st
No Late Applications Will Be Accepted or Considered!
Mail/Email Applications to: Baker Orthodontics 203 E 3rd Ave Escondido, CA 92025
Email: maria@bakersmiles.com Attention: Maria Ledesma
Please Make Sure You Attach ALL The Following:
- Completed Scholarship Application
- Copy of Transcript, Most Current Semester
- 300 Word Essay: “Reflect on why Self-Confidence is so important and how achieving your ideal smile has helped improve your Self- Confidence and interactions with others.”
- Senior Photo (A Copy is Fine)